NICER Symposium Abstract Preparation and Submission
Important Information for Abstract Submission
Oral Abstracts and Poster Hall is in-person on Friday, September 20th
Abstracts are submitted online via the online form here
Abstract Policies
• Abstracts detailing clinical and/or basic science research in the fields of immunology and/or hematology will be accepted for review.
• Abstracts recently presented within 6 month preceding the NICER symposium or currently submitted to future regional or national meetings are acceptable. If an abstract was presented or planned to be presented at a different conference, you must submit the name, date, and location of the conference with your abstract submission to the NICER symposium.
• Abstracts will not be reviewed if received after the abstract deadline of July 8, 2024. Abstract review will be completed by July 26, 2024.
• Abstracts are peer-reviewed and ranked on the basis of scientific merit. The Program Committee will use these rankings to develop the final meeting program (oral and poster presentations).
Poster and platform presentation policies:
• Authors must be prepared to provide an oral presentation of their abstract if selected by the Program Committee to do so. Given the virtual format, presenters should be prepared to provide a pre-recorded oral presentation to minimize the risk of technology malfunctions.
• Authors must inform the Program Committee immediately if unable to present (oral or poster). Authors may confer with the Program Committee to designate a corresponding author to present, or may choose to retract the abstract.
• All abstracts submitted will be published in the NICER Symposium proceedings / online program book.
Informed consent and disclosure: Investigators should consider and disclose potential conflicts of interest in connection with papers presented at the symposium.
• Disclosures will be published in the NICER Symposium proceedings / online program book.
Instructions for Abstract Formatting
1. Title and Authors. The title should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the study. CAPITALIZE ENTIRE TITLE. State all author’s initials and last names followed by their institutional affiliations, city, and state. Enter an asterisk (*) next to the “presenting” author only. Do not include street address or zip codes.
2. Abstract. There is a 500 word limit.
4. Abbreviations. Place nonstandard abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears. Do not use abbreviations in the abstract title.
5. Patient Identifiers. All identifying patient information must be removed from the abstract.
6. Disclosures. Please enter all relevant financial relationships. You may be contacted to provide more information.
Note: A confirmation email will be sent to the individual who submitted the abstract within 1-2 business days of the submission. If you do not receive a confirmation email, or you encounter problems submitting your abstract, please contact
NICER Educational Abstract
The goal of the "Patients as Teachers" Educational Abstract category is to provide a forum for how our patient experiences teach us and elevated our understanding of disease mechanisms and optimal management strategies. Abstracts are encouraged to highlight a particular pattern for recognition, explain a challenging management decision, discuss disease complications or illustrate a rare etiology for a more common immuno-hematology symptom/diagnosis. Cases with novel findings are encouraged to be submitted to the Research Abstract category.
Describe the clinical context and importance/relevance; include appropriate background information to understand pathophysiological mechanisms associated with the presentation, findings, investigations, course or therapy
Case Presentation
Describe the history
Describe the physical examination findings
Describe the investigations
Describe the clinical course
Learning Points
Provide a brief conclusion statement and describe 1-3 learning objectives using CME action verbs