mié, 28 sept
2022 NICER Symposium
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe: Neutrophils, Macrophages and the Inflammasome- Stepping into Innate Immunity
Time & Location
28 sept 2022, 9:00 GMT-4 – 30 sept 2022, 13:00 GMT-4
1 minutoMorning Session: Looking Into the Wardrobe of Immuno-Heme Disorders
Main Link
14 minutosNICER Introduction
Main Link
General Admission
Regular price $200 9/1 -9/30
200,00Â US$Venta finalizadaPatients & Families
Access to our patient and family orientated education event in the afternoon on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Patients are also welcome to join the morning education session directed towards primary care providers.
0,00Â US$Venta finalizadaWednesday Only
This session is directed towards primary care providers and their supporting staff in the morning and the afternoon will feature patient facing sessions.
60,00Â US$Venta finalizadaTrainees
NICER is committed to ensuring our meetings are accessible to all trainees. Please provide proof of trainee status by emailing info@nicerconsortium.org at time of purchase. This ticket accesses all event sessions.
50,00Â US$Venta finalizada
0,00Â US$